We answer your legal questions free of charge – on contracts, short-time work, redundancies, rent, taxes, social security, debt enforcement and subsidies in Switzerland.
The Corona pandemic is hitting us and our entire economy. How are companies supposed to pay personnel costs, rent, service providers etc. if no income comes in and everything closes down?
We answer your legal questions free of charge – on contracts, short-time work, redundancies, rent, taxes, social security, debt enforcement and subsidies in Switzerland.
This is our contribution to the crisis that is forcing us all to come to a standstill.
For questions about German conditions we gladly refer to our colleagues In Berlin – a great idea, which we gladly took over from them for Switzerland!
Here you can find more information about COVID-19: Wann kann ich Kurzarbeit infolge des Coronaviruses beantragen? und Rechtliche Auswirkungen des Coronavirus