Data Protection Day – European Data Protection from a foreign perspective
Already for the third time we organize our data protection day. The aim is to show practitioners, legal counsel, company data protection officers, security officers and those interested in data protection what challenges await them in implementing the EU GDPR, what new technical developments are emerging with regard to data protection and what expectations can be placed on DSG.Friday 29 March, 2019
13.30 – 18:00, Hotel Park Hyatt, Beethovenstrasse 21, 8002 Zürich
(Door opening 13:15 h)
13.30 welcome
Nicole Beranek Zanon, de la cruz beranek Rechtsanwälte AG, Zug (CH)
13.40 UK data protection landscape post-Brexit (eng)
Jade Kowalski, DAC Beachcroft LLP, Partner, Leeds (UK)
14.20 Practical experience in the implementation from the point of view of the responsible person and the order processor (dt/eng)
panel discussion with:
Michal Cichocki, Zürcher Kantonalbank, Head Legal Data Protecton & Outsourcing, Zürich (CH) und
Dr. Kinga Fülöp CIPP/E, Givaudan, Seniour Privacy and Data Protection Analyst, Budapest (HR)
Moderation: Nicole Beranek Zanon
15:00 Why do I need a data protection and an IT security strategy? – A legal and IT view
Carmen de la Cruz Böhringer, de la cruz beranek Rechtsanwälte AG, Partner, FIFA DPO, Zug (CH) and
Rainer Kessler, Partner Emerging Technology Assurance PwC, Zürich (CH)
15.30 break
16.00 Overview of first legal cases
Roman Elsener, de la cruz beranek Rechtsanwälte AG, Rechtsanwalt und Notar, Zug (CH)
16.15 The Crux with the applicable law
Boris Inderbitzin, de la cruz beranek Rechtsanwälte AG, Rechtsanwalt, Zug (CH)
16:35 Shared responsibility as a means of design
Prof. Niko Härting, Härting Rechtsanwälte AG, Partner, Berlin (DE)
17:15 French GDPR experience and collaboration with CNIL (eng)
Raphaël Dana, Frieh Associés, Partner, Paris (FR)
17:55 Conclusion
Nicole Beranek Zanon
18:00 Apéro riche
20:00 End of the event
CHF 290.– Unkostenbeitrag
CHF 270.– für Mitglieder von SWICO, swissICT oder asut
registration deadline
Wednesday, 27 March 2019
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