Date: Friday, 17 March 2017, 1 – 6 pm
Place: Widder Hotel Zurich
Directions: Rennweg 7, 8001 Zurich
Costs: CHF 220.- contribution towards expenses, CHF 200.- for members of SWICO, ISSS
Documents: The documents will be submitted electronically after the event.
Carmen De la Cruz
Federally certified Business IT Scientist, studied at the University of Fribourg and completed a bilingual degree (de / fr) with a distinction in European Law. She also has a CAS in cloud computing, in Information Security as well as in IT Management from FHNW and is IT Security Officer at BSI. She lectures regularly for various technical colleges and universities (FHNW, ZHAW, HSG etc.) and publishes in specialist journals. She is founding partner of de la cruz beranek Rechtsanwälte.13.00
Welcome note Carmen De la Cruz
EU DSGVO – halfway to compliance compliance, step by step
Prof. Niko Härting
Data Breach Notification as a Service
Umberto Annino
Nicole Beranek Zanon
Anka Kästner
EU e-Privacy regulation – Interaction and Overview
Nicole Beranek Zanon
15.30 coffee break
16.15 “Difficult topics” in the Data Protection Act amendment
Prof. em. Rolf H. Weber
VE-DSG and “Swiss Finish” – select issues from a practical viewpoint
Michal Cichocki
Update on the Swiss U.S.-Privacy Shield
Carmen De la Cruz
Apéro RicheStudied at the Free University of Berlin and founded HÄRTING Rechtsanwälte in 1996. He is, among others, a member of the Information Rights Committee of the German Bar Association, regular contributor to the journals IT und IP-Rechtsberater and Kommunikation & Recht, member of the editorial board of Computer und Recht as well as publisher of the journal PinG – Privacy in Germany. Since 2012 he has been honorary professor at the School of Economics and Law where he has also been a lecturer since 1991, in addition to lecturing at the Free University. He is the author of numerous publications (including Internet Law, Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt, 5th edition 2014).IT Business Scientist and Security Specialist. Annino has been working in ICT for more than 20 years and focuses on the interface between technology and the legal and regulatory requirements of data protection. In addition to his job as a security consultant at InfoGuard AG, he is also active as a lecturer in information security and on a voluntary basis as a board member of the associations ISSS Information Security Society Switzerland and ISACA Switzerland Chapter.